
Zero-click searches

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Term Definition
Zero-click searches

When a user finds the answer to their search directly in the search results page without clicking on a website.

"Zero-click searches" refer to situations where someone types a question into a search engine like Google, but doesn't actually click on any of the results. Instead, they find the answer they need directly on the search engine results page (SERP). This is often achieved through features like:

  • Knowledge panels: These boxes summarize key information directly on the SERP, like the capital of France or the average lifespan of a cat.
  • Featured snippets: These are highlighted sections of text pulled from websites that directly answer the user's query.
  • Voice assistants: Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant can answer questions directly using information gathered from the web, without requiring a click.

Here are some key points about zero-click searches:

  • They're becoming increasingly common: Studies suggest over 50% of searches now result in no clicks. This is partly due to search engines getting better at understanding and directly answering queries.
  • They can be frustrating for marketers: If the answer is right there on the SERP, users might not visit your website. However, they can also be an opportunity to provide concise, informative content that gets featured in snippets.
  • They're not all bad: Zero-click searches can be a great way for users to quickly find information, and they can still lead to website traffic if the featured snippet includes a link.

Overall, zero-click searches are a growing trend that reflects the evolution of search engines and user behavior. Understanding them is important for anyone who wants to be successful online, whether as a user, marketer, or content creator.