
Web 1.0

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Term Definition
Web 1.0

Web 1.0 is a retronym that denotes the initial phase of web development from 1999 to 2004.

In the tech world, Web 1.0 refers to the first stage of the World Wide Web, roughly spanning from the mid-1990s to the late 1990s. It was a formative period, laying the groundwork for the internet we know today, but it contrasted significantly with the web we interact with now.

Here are some key characteristics of Web 1.0:

  • Static web pages: Websites were mostly read-only, with limited interactivity and user engagement. Think of them as digital brochures, offering information but not much ability to interact or contribute.
  • Text-based content: Multimedia elements like images, videos, and audio were scarce due to bandwidth limitations and technological constraints. Text reigned supreme, often formatted in basic HTML with minimal visual appeal.
  • Dial-up internet connections: Accessing the web was slow and clunky, often through dial-up connections that made browsing a Geduld testing experience.
  • Limited user engagement: Users were primarily passive consumers of information, with few opportunities to participate or contribute to the online environment.
  • Examples of popular websites: Britannica Online, The New York Times website, GeoCities - these sites offered static information pages, often with text-heavy layouts and limited interactivity.

Web 1.0 laid the foundation for the internet's infrastructure and protocols, making it accessible to a wider audience. However, its limitations in terms of interactivity, user engagement, and content richness paved the way for the evolution of Web 2.0, which brought about a more dynamic and user-centric web experience.

Synonyms: Web 1.0