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Term Definition

"Pay-per-use" is a payment model where customers pay for a product or service only when they use it, rather than paying a fixed upfront cost or subscription fee. It's essentially a consumption-based pricing model.

Here are some key characteristics of pay-per-use:

  • Usage-based billing: Users are charged based on the amount of service they consume, such as data used, minutes spent on a platform, or number of actions taken.
  • Flexibility: This model offers increased flexibility and cost control for users compared to fixed subscriptions, as they only pay for what they use.
  • Transparency: Pricing is often more transparent, as users can directly see the correlation between their usage and the cost incurred.
  • Potential cost savings: For low-volume users, pay-per-use can be cheaper than subscriptions.
  • Potential unpredictability: For users with fluctuating needs, costs can be less predictable compared to fixed fees.

Examples of pay-per-use models:

  • Cloud computing: Many cloud service providers offer pay-per-use pricing for storage, computing power, and other resources.
  • Utilities: Pay-as-you-go electricity or water bills are examples of pay-per-use models.
  • Transportation: Sharing services like carpooling or bike sharing often operate on a pay-per-use basis.
  • Software: Some software applications charge based on the number of users, transactions processed, or features accessed.

Advantages and disadvantages:


  • Cost efficiency for low-volume users
  • Flexibility and scalability
  • Transparency in pricing


  • Unpredictable costs for high-volume users
  • Possible higher per-unit cost compared to subscriptions
  • Not suitable for all products or services

Overall, pay-per-use can be a valuable option for both businesses and consumers, offering flexibility and cost control for specific needs. It's important to carefully consider your usage patterns and compare pricing structures before choosing this model.