Are you looking to boost to boost to boost to boost to boost to boost to boost to boost to boost to boost to boost to boost to boost your sales?
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- A logo prepared by your cousin that you don't like, but you think, "What the heck?"
- Facebook and Instagram pages that you "manage" poorly;
- No website, and you're nowhere to be found on Google?
- You claim to have a website, but you can't even Google it, or if you can, nobody's visiting it;
- You spend money on advertising that you eagerly await but doesn't pay off;
- You cherish photo and video content taken with your phone but regret the expenses;
- The two-year-old Covid, started by Russia, has already... transformed many businesses;
Do you recognize the situation?
Where should we start?
Take your business online
Create Facebook and LinkedIn business pages, and add your business to Google Maps. Additionally, make use of Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and other social networks as needed.
Facebook and Google ADS
After owning a website, it is essential to integrate it with Facebook and Google. Configure Conversion API, Google Tags, and Analytics 4 to better understand your audience, plan campaigns, run ads, and await results.
Expand your sales channels
Social media is indeed important, but it's not the only way to market your business. Prepare a promotional website or an online store.
SEO Optimisation
Apart from financial results, it's also important that clients find your business online when they search for products or services. To achieve this, you need to communicate effectively with search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing in their language, not with trolls and bots. You need genuine, friendly search engine bots!